Friday 2 May 2014

Wind farms by Kyle and Liam

Wind farms are a renewable energy source. They capture the power of the wind and turn it into electricity. 

Wind farms are found on shore and off shore. On shore wind farms are mostly found in high places, where there is more wind. 

  • No fossil fuels are burned 
  • They are infinite, they never run out 
  • Any extra energy created can be sold to back to the government to make profit
  • Doesn't produce any harmful toxins like fossil fuels
  • Less maintenance than traditional generators 
  • Costly 
  • Can ruin landscapes
  • Difficult to generate the quantity of energy fossil fuels can 
  • Relies on weather, so it can be unreliable 
  • #nutella 


Mr Small said...

This is the best blog eva

Mr Small said...

This is actually the best

Mr Small said...

Could be better, disappointed with this.

Anonymous said...

it's amazing

Anonymous said...

That Kyle guy is cool,not