Friday 2 May 2014

Wind farm industry

   Wind farm industry 

What is a wind farm? A wind farm is something that makes electricity and passes it out within places, and a good renewable energy.

Where are the found? Wind farms are usually found on hills and open areas due to them being up to high that can cause to much wind that can put the blades on the turbines in stress that could break them.

Benefits and disadvantages 
  • Are that the supply a lot of energy and the last about 20 years so that's a lot of energy from something like that 
  • The wind is free and with modern technology it can be captured efficiently.
  • The are valued as making the landscapes more attractive to some people.
  • It's a good place to go out and see like if you were going for a cycle it would be a good place to visit.
  • Some people don't really like them due to the noise the make but that depends on where there placed.
  • the largest single turbine available today can only provide enough electricity for 475 homes, when running at full capacity.
  • The strength of the wind is not constant and it varies from zero to storm force. This means that wind turbines do not produce the same amount of electricity all the time. There will be times when they produce no electricity at all.

Some other information
  • There are over 5000 wind turbines and 460 wind farms in the UK and growing rapidly as the UK try's to be more Eco-friendly.
  • The foundations are really strong as the hold the turbines up and keep them up straight.
  • The government are happy to spend money on them as the electricity is being supplied by these turbines.

By Jordan hunter 

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