Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Higher Homework for Monday 18.11.13

1. Describe and explain changes in the demographic transition model from stages 1 to 3 (12 marks)

2. Account for high brith rates in developing countries such as Niger and Chad (8 marks)

3. Explain the difficulties countries might face undertaking a census (10 marks)

4. Explain why some areas of the world are more sparsely populated than others (8 marks)

Friday, 4 October 2013

Higher Homework for Wednesday 10.10.13

Q1. Explain the formation of an ox-bow lake (8 marks)

Q2. Explain the formation of a waterfall (8 marks)

Remember to look at your feedback from your last homework and amend any areas which were not completed fully.

Monday, 23 September 2013

Higher Homework for Wednesday 02.10.13

1. Describe the global hydrological cycle (10 marks)

2. Explain how different factors in a drainage basin can affect the lag time and discharge of a river system (14 marks)

3. Explain how rivers transport material (4 marks)

4. Describe the differences found between the upper, middle and lower courses of a river (12 marks)

Monday, 9 September 2013

S3 - click on the link to go to the Wallwisher page. Post up facts you can find about Mumbai. You have 12 minutes.

Friday, 6 September 2013

Higher Homework - Due Wednesday 11th September

Here are the questions set in class today for anyone who was absent.

1. Explain the formation of an area of upland limestone scenery (20 marks)

2. Describe the social and economic opportunities offered by an area of upland limestone scenery you have studied (10 marks)

Remember to come and see me on either Monday or Tuesday if you are unsure about how to answer any of it.

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Specimen Paper

Below is a link to the specimen paper for the new National 5 qualification. I would encourage all S4 pupils who aim to sit this exam to download it and read through it to get an idea of the sort of questions you will be asked.
