Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Monday, 12 September 2011

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

S3 Homework for 26.04.11

Glasgow is a city in a developed country. Over the last 40 years the city has undergone many changes. Answer the following questions as fully as you can.

1. Why have more and more tall buildings been built in the CBD?

2. What kind of businesses are attracted to the CBD and why?

3. How has housing changed in inner city areas of Glasgow such as the Gorbals since the 1960s?

4. Some areas of tenements have remained but been renovated. What does this mean? Give examples of how a tenement building could be renovated.

Extended writing extension task -

In 2014 Glasgow is going to play host to the Commonwealth Games, a major sporting event. Research and write a report on how the city is preparing for the games and describe the changes this will bring to the city. Consider the following questions.

  • Have there been any problems caused by this redevelopment?
  • What areas are affected?
  • Why were these areas chosen?
  • How will the buildings that are made be used in the future?
Use websites such as these to help you -

Friday, 1 April 2011

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Higher/Int 2 homework for 29.03.11

1. Describe a river and its valley in
a) its upper course (4 marks)
b) its lower course (4 marks)

2. Explain how the following features are formed
a) a waterfall (5 marks)
b) an ox-bow lake (6 marks)
c) a levee (Higher only) (3 marks)

Sae Level Rise in Bangladesh

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

S3 Int 2 homework for Monday 07.03.11

Using the data from the population pyramids above

a) describe the differences between the population structures of Kenya and Italy (5 marks)

b) choosing one of the countries

i) explain the causes of the birth and death rates in your chosen country (5 marks)
ii) suggest possible problems that the country might face in the future and how these might be solved(5 marks)

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Higher Homework for 24.02.11

1. Correctly identify the two soils above from their profiles (2 marks)

2. Selecting one of the soil types, describe its characteristics and explain its formation. You may use a diagram to assist you (12 marks)

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

S3 homework for 31.01.11

The map above shows countries' sizes altered to show population levels ie. the bigger the country, the higher its population. Some countries are very crowded and others are almost empty. For the places listed below, decide whether they are crowded or empty and give reasons why for each.

1. Alaska
2. Western Australia
3. Hong Kong
4. Amazonia
5. Central Belt of Scotland

Monday, 24 January 2011