Tuesday 6 December 2016

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Assignment Homework

1.    Explain how a river can erode the landscape around it (4 marks)

2.    Explain how a river can transport different types of particle (4 marks)

3.    Explain how the following can affect transportation: (3 marks)

a.     Velocity
b.    Particle size
c.     Discharge

4.    Explain how freeze thaw weathering, attrition and geology (rock type) affect pebble shape and size along a river (3 marks)

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Refugee camps in Dadaab have been around since 1991. The camps were originally built to hold 90,000 people but have grown over five times as big over the years. In April 2913 there was over 400,000 registered refugees and over half were younger than 18 years old. The refugee camps have helped thousands of people over the years, it is also the largest and most protracted camp that has been situated in the world. After the food crisis in 2010 the camps population exploded. Because of this the crisis hit conflict-stricken Somalia got hit, the hardest with the conflict but Somalia have flocked the Dadaab camp for this reason. Dadaab is known as the worlds biggest refugee camp, with hundreds if thousand if people who have lost their homes and safety

Tuesday 18 November 2014

S2 - Rainforest Animal Research

Use the iPads to research an animal that lives in the rainforest. Find out
  • what layer does it live in?
  • where in the world is it found?
  • what does it eat?
  • how has it adapted to survive?
Once you have created a factfile in your jotter I want you to post about it on the following page -


Thursday 12 June 2014

Higher/Nat 5 homework for Monday 16.06.14

Explain, with the aid of a diagram, the formation of

a) a corrie

b) an arete

c) a u-shaped valley

d) a ribbon lake

Friday 2 May 2014

A wind farm is a area of land covered with turbines, these turbines produce power by the wind turning the three blades at the top, This power is used to power certain place around the wind farm for example house, factory's and stores in certain situations.

The benefits of having a wind farm are :-
~It is a free type of power that can never run out
~there are more jobs

The down side of having a wind farm are :-
~when building the wind farm it disturbs the wild life and effects the landscape however after the wind farm is built, the company's try to protect the wild life as best as they can
~people that walk up trails might not want to walk up the same ones as the wind farm might destroy the experience of the environment
~it costs a lot of money to build awind farm

Wind Farms

Wind power is a renewable source of energy which means that it can not run out, it uses turbines to create electricity, wind power is found all over the world but mostly in the USA and the UK.
Wind farms are usually put in exposed areas e.g on top of a hill, flat land with nothing to obstruct the wind, wind farms should be close to roads so they are accessible for maintenance and construction work.

Some advantages to wind farms are: it would never run out, requires less maintenance than traditional generators, costs less, it produces little or no waste.
Some disadvantages: it is difficult to generate the quantities of electricity, renewable energy often relies on the weather on its source  of power.
